You may be in a quandry about deleting WhatsApp, because EVERYONE is on it. How quickly we forget that this was true of Mixit and BBM. We've moved before, we can move again, the businesses will follow. #deletewhatsapp #deletefacebook
Facebook really wants your data! The long term solution is decentalized/federated, like Matrix.
WhatsApp gives users an ultimatum: Share data with Facebook or stop using the app
Contact tracing is so dangerous, it gives governments an irresistible tool for tracking, surveillance and control. The abuse of the tech has already begun.
Govt confirms that police can use TraceTogether data for criminal investigations
My fav gadget of 2020: the LCD writing tablet. Costs under R200. 2 year battery life. Doesn't sync with anything. Can only erase whole screen. Helps me focus distraction-free on today's tasks and jot down notes.
Using some simple scripts, I have automated the process of publishing microblogs to my static-generated website (which uses #Pelican). It makes use of the #IndieWeb standard #micropub format, so I can even share links and upload photos to my blog via the Indigenous app. Now you can too!
IndieWeb scripts for publishing using micropub to a static-site generator like Pelican.
Now watching 0xcon talks from last month. #infosec #southafrica
0xcon 2020 - YouTube
Interesting new protocol: "Gemini is a new internet protocol which: Is heavier than gopher; Is lighter than the web; Will not replace either; Strives for maximum power to weight ratio; Takes user privacy very seriously"
Project Gemini FAQ
Tiny World is an amazing documentary with incredibly beautiful photography. Well worth watching. #tv #documentary
Tiny World — Official Trailer l Apple TV+ - YouTube
Pavel Durov, the creator of Telegram blogged this:
Consume Less. Create More. It’s More Fun.
The #gpcoronavirus #covid19 dashboard has been updated with a powerful hotspot analysis provided by @WitsUniversity which will hopefully assist @GautengProvince with the second surge.
Re: tweet https://twitter.com/Wits_News/status/1340979463824273410
Dashboard: https://gpcoronavirus.co.za
Holiday reading for the geeky: NODE zine contains articles about interesting open source, decentralized, censorship-resistant and cutting-edge technologies.
NODE zine https://n-o-d-e.net/zine/
Aquaponics runneth over
My #aquaponics runneth over! That's cherry tomatoes hanging off the side, bearing plenty of fruit. #diy
Second post!
Right, clearly that first post revealed some kinks that needed working out. Here are some kittens. #IndieWeb
First post!
First micro-blog post on my own site, which will hopefully be syndicated to social media via #IndieWeb tech!