Android, projects
Tech4Africa Android Masterclass

Resources for the Tech4Africa Android Masterclass presentation on 9th October 2014
SA Events Android app

SA Events is an Android app I wrote that displays annual events in South Africa by province, allowing you to plan your outings.
BatteryFu battery saver Android app

BatteryFu is an Android application I wrote to save battery life (and data) on my HTC Dream (G1) back in 2010. It has over 250,000 downloads!

The gr8signal app tracks and maps cellphone signal coverage in South Africa.

MakerDroid (previously Paint3d) is an app you can use to draw out a 2D shape that will then get extruded into a 3D shape, which you can then print out as a physical object using a 3D printer.
SmsFu Android app

SmsFu is my first Android app, written back in 2010. It automatically silences notifications from spammers!